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Charity – Charitable Organizations

Play Poker » Charitable Organiztaions

Although our website focuses on commercial endeavours we believe it’s very important to give back to the community on both a local and international basis. Because of this, we’ve published this page which lists some reputable charities that have worthwhile and helpful causes. We encourage all of the visitors of our website to take some time to learn about each organization and consider donating whatever you can to assist others.  Below is a list of charitable organizations supported by our site that you should learn about and get involved with:


Google.org – This is the charitable branch of the search giant Google and through this subsidiary the business donates 1% of it’s yearly profits to numerous organizations around the world. In 2009, the group committed over $100 Million in cash resources to a number of projects and various charities. Google.org also focuses on developing technology driven contributions such as Flu Trends and Crisis Response maps to draw attention to major world issues. Check out Google.org for more information on their initiatives and charitable projects.

Red Cross

RedCross.org – The Red Cross is a volunteer driven initiative that focuses on a number of key issues including disaster response, community services and blood donation projects. Founded in 1881, Red Cross is one of the oldest charitable organizations in the world and is responsible for saving millions of lives around the world each year. Perhaps the best aspect of the Red Cross’s mandate is that it strives to assist people from every corner of the globe and is not restricted to the rules of any one government or political aparatus. This makes the organization one of the key players for assistance in delicate regions of the world as a neutral bipartisan group.

Cancer Society

Cancer.org – This is the largest charitable organization combating Cancer related issues in the world and is perhaps one of the most recognized charities. Cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases worldwide and this organization develops treatments with the ultimate goal of finding a cure for every type of the disease. If you know someone that has Cancer consider making a donation to assist the society in finding a permanent cure.

Make A Wish

Wish.org – The Make A Wish Foundation is a charity who’s mandate is to provide seriously ill children with the means of granting a significant wish in their lives. To date, the organization has granted over 193,000 wishes of children around the world thanks to its 25,000+ volunteers who run the group. This is really one of the most innovative and important charities and is great because they provide individual attention to sick kids worldwide.

Thank you for taking the time to visit this section of our site and we hope you will consider making a donation to any of charities listed above or another as you see fit. We would also like to let our visitors know that we donate 5% of the yearly revenue from commercial activities on our site to the organizations listed here as well as other local and international organizations who are making a difference in unique and innovative ways.


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